Ed McMahon

When I heard that he died during my morning radio show while getting for work, I frowned. He is definitely an icon. He was a part of everyone's life; always on the evening tv show Star Search or late night on The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson. He was always so serious no matter how funny Johnny was. His straight face made everyone else laugh. Everyone can recognize his opening line, "Heeeeeeeee
eeeere's Johnny!"
And you of course can't forget him co-hosting with Dick Clark funny show TV Bloopers and Practical Jokes. A good guy that I hope my children will be able to look up and learn to love.
P.S. That morning my patient and I were talking about Ed, and Dr. Andrew was like, "Now who's Ed McMahon again?" My patient and I looked at eachother and were like, "Oh my gosh, are you serious?? Ed McMahon? Johnny Carson's sidekick." "Yeah, he's like an icon." "Oh, well, I never really watch tv." I was like, "Sounds like you've never owned a tv." IDIOT!
Michael Jackson

I had just gotten back from seeing Transformers 2 (awesome). Chris turns on our tv and it's on MTV. I walk by and I here Sway in a very serious tone, "Michael Jackson died today in his home at the age of 50." "WHAT???? Rewind that! The whole thing. I need to hear the whole thing."
For the next two days I'm glued to my couch watching tribute shows and music videos. He made such great music. His dance moves were groundbreaking and genius. How can you not like his stuff. Everyone can relate to trying to moonwalk in socks on their linoleum floor. Genius I tell you. He changed the dance world forever.
I know, I know, you're all thinking, "Ewww, he's a pedophile, and a weirdo. Jacko Wacko." Yes, and I agree with all those things. I do think he is a sicko, weirdo, crazy, everything in the book; but that doesn't mean he didn't make great hits. I love his music and his moves, that's it!
Chris doesn't understand this. He thinks that because "he's in hell and he deserved to die" I shouldn't be a fan of his. Sorry, but I have mixed feelings about that.
Going from back to white: I don't know. I don't get it. He obviously looked good and attractive when he was black. I think he had what's called body dismorphia. He bleached his skin and hacked at his face because he hated what he saw in the mirror (lol, automatically started humming Man in the Mirror.)
Pedophile: Do I think he's guilty?Yeah, he probably did touch boys. Should he have gone to jail, heck yes. But he's rich and he didn't. My theory on the Neverland Ranch: He was forced into an adult world at such a young age he never had a childhood. That's why he had slumber parties with boys. He was living his desired childhood through them. Giving them what he never had.
King of Pop: Yeah, he obviously had an obsession with Elvis. I think that that is why he married Lisa Marie, duh! You think they got married cos they loved eachother?? Publicity and money, people.
No matter what you think of him or what he did, I still like Michael. His music will live on forever and will always be a part of my music collection.
Billy Mays

OMG, I LOVE BILLY!!!! I was DEVISTATED when I heard that Billy died. It's been two days now and I still go to Chris, "OMG, I still can't believe that Billy Mays is dead." He's is really annoyed with me right now... lol
For those of you who don't know who Billy Mays is...GET A FREAKIN' LIFE! I'm sorry, but if you don't know who he is we can no longer be friends.
Chris and I were so freakin' excited when they first announced the new show on Discovery Channel called Pitchmen with Billy Mays and Anthony Sullivan. It is sooooo funny. I love that show.

On the show you meet Billy's son, Billy Mays III, and Billy's beautiful wife and adorable 3 year old daughter. All the more reason why I am so so so sad about his passing.
His wife woke up in the morning and found Billy dead in bed. He passed sometime during the night. Everyone was speculating that some sort of head trauma was the cause, because the day before he had flown in from filming an Oxi Clean commercial, and when the plane landed the front two tires blew out and Billy had hit his head really hard. Come to find out later after the autopsy was performed, that the cause of death is likely a heart attack.
Well, I have another theory why I think he may have died....

On Saturday, I wanted to wash my car really well so I did it by hand for the first time since we've owned it. So I went to Wal-Mart to buy the wash, wax, tire shine, and sponge. Well.... I picked up a Sham Wow, too. I KNOW! That's terrible. Billy would say, "Sham Pow."
If you've seen Pitchmen, you'd know that Sham Wow was a very successful product that Billy did not endorse. In fact, he has (had) an on going feud with the Sham Wow guy. Whenever Sully would need to get Billy off his soap box, all he's have to mention was the Sham Wow guy. I feel awful. Really. And I feel so guilty that after I bought it, Billy is dead. I haven't told Chris. They are currently hidden in the trunk...
So don't forget to check out Pitchmen on Discovery Channel. Check your local listing. It's a great way for you to remember Billy. RIP!